Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Regional Cuisine of Italy III

Emilia-Romagna is famed for its egg pasta made with soft wheat flour; indeed it is the Pasta capital of the North. Bologna is celebrated for many a pasta delicacy like lasagne verdi, tortellini, gramigna and tagliatelle . Along with that Romagna has Garganelli, Strozzapreti, Cappelletti, Spoglia Lorda and Tortelli alla Lastra. Rice is also eaten in Emilia, from Parma to Piacenza, though it is less significant. It is cultivated in the Valley of the Po. Through ancient times Polenta was the staple in all the Appenine mountain regions of both Romagna and Emilia. Products that are centuries old like genuine Aceto balsamico tradizionale or balsamic vinegar are prepared only in the Emilia towns of Modena and Reggio Emilia and it must be readied obeying legally binding ancient procedures. Another centuries old product, Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is made in Reggio Emilia, Parma, Modena and Bologna and is much used in the preparation of dishes. Various types of meats are eaten here including Mora Romagnola Pork and Romagna Lamb along with game. The region is also renowned for its Bologna, Parma, Modena hams and other sumptuous cured pork products: including coppa, Parma culatello, Piacenza pancett and Salame Felino. Cooked pork products like Bologna's mortadella and salame rosa, Ferrara's salama da sugo and Modena's zampone, capello di prete and cotechino are also from this region.
On the coast of Marche, fresh fish and seafood are fashioned into delectable dishes. In the interior of the provinces both wild and domestic pigs are used for sausages and hams. The specialty of the hams lie in them not being thinly sliced, but served cut into bite-sized chunks. In this region suckling pig, chicken and fish are frequently stuffed before being roasted.
Simplicity sums up the approach of Tuscany towards cooking. Bread, cheese, fresh vegetables, legumes, mushrooms and crisp seasonal fruit are used. Olive oil is prepared fresh from local olives. White truffles are a kind of delicacy that appears in late autumn. Beef of the best quality, specifically a breed known as Maremma used for the celebrated t-bone steaks known as Florentine steak, come from the Chiana Valley. Pork-based products are also common.

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